Grade 7

2. Read the article from Scholastic:

3. Discussion questions: On your feet! Think/Pair/Share:

After reflecting on each of the questions, hop up and share your
answer, starting with the  with someone you don’t usually work with. After sharing responses
with each other, rotate to someone new for the next question.

1. What about you challenges typical gender roles?

2. What sex-based stereotypes drive you crazy?

Now reflect on the following:

3. What’s something you’d like to do but have been afraid to try because of your sex?

4. Have your parents set expectations for you that you feel are based on your sex?

5. In what ways does your school community help you break out of gender

expectations? In what ways could they improve?


Welcome back!
Week of April 5 – 7, 2016 – 4/8 Friday = Parent-Teacher conferences!
Meditation: Mindful eating
Work on project
Thursday: Journal
Walk and Talk to support Project work time

3/26 – 4/5


huangshanI went to The Yellow Mountains!

March 21 – 25, 2016
Tuesday: Meditation
Class time:
On a note card, write the food guideline you are most interested in researching more and learning more about. (Think about Michael Pollen’s Food Rules) Why does this topic interest you so much?
Group guidelines into categories.


Thursday: Journal: Bread experiment with vinegar – reflection on what happened!!!
Class time: Work on paragraph description and begin project planning with partner.

March 14 – 18, 2016
: Monday and Friday

Journal Wednesday: What food guideline are you most interested in researching and learning more about??  Why does this topic interest you so much?

Food Guidelines Project
– Write on post-its, your favorite food guidelines/messages they found and put up on board
– Sort post-its into categories
– Create 6-8 food messages/guidelines


March 7 – 11, 2016
Journal: Write as much as you can remember about our nutrition unit from last year.  
Metabolism Game!

Brain Pop: Choose My Plate for Review
Nutrition Around the world

Break Fast Around the World

Lunches around the world

Nutrition around the world research


Feb. 29 – March 4, 2016 – Physical Activity
jennifer madison yoga partners


Journal: How much physical activity do you get on a daily basis? What’s you favorite physical activity?
Classtime: Physical Activity lesson.

Journal: What are our basic needs and how do we get those needs met?
Class Time: Watch HBO documentary ‘The Great Cafeteria Take Over’. I realize not everyone can access Youtube, but if you can check it out Here.

Friday: Meditation #9 – Meditation #9 – I Wish for You
Finish, The Great Cafeteria Take Over.

Feb.22 – 26, 2016

Journal –
Tell me a joke, riddle or a pun…We can all use a good laugh once in a while! 
Meditation: Smiling Minds #8 – I wish For Me
Continue work on Your Sleep Advocacy Poster!
You are making a positive case for sleep, and so keep in mind all those benefits you get from 8-9 hours of sleep! 🙂

7th grade Sleep Advocacy Project


7-2 sleep image

Feb. 15 – 19, 2016

Journal: Since watching the TED talk by Russell Foster, reflect on your own sleep habits. What might be getting in your way to get 8-9 hours of sleep? What would it look like if you reorganized your time, considering all you still have to do?

Research Articles:

The Mash: Screen Time Before Bedtime
NY Times: Lost Sleep Can Lead to Weight Gain
The Atlantic: Building Better Athletes with Sleep or Sleep Deprivation Makes us Appear Unattractive and Sad
HuffPost Healthy Living: 5 Ways to Change the World in Your Sleep
TED Talk: Russell Foster: Why do we sleep?

RESEARCH: Can you find more articles highlighting the positive benefits of sleep???

Project: Sleep Advocacy Poster!

Sleep Rubric F2015

******We interrupt this regularly scheduled program for a…Quick Counselor Survey!
Click Here for Survey******

Week of Feb 1-4, 2016

Sleep Rubric F2015Feb. 1
1. Journal: what makes for effective communication? Write down as many things as you can remember. What about ineffective communication?
2. Skit work session #2

Feb. 3
1. Meditation – Smiling Minds, Session 6 Exploring Emotions
2. Ineffective and Effective Communication Performances!!!!




chelsea steve shaking handsIneffective…






January 28, 2016

B1 Class:
1. Meditation: Smiling Minds Session 4
2. Skit work session #1 – In your groups explore your topics and come up with a ineffective solution and then an effective way to communicate your conflict scenario topic! Practice. Have fun!

D1 Class:
1. Meditation: Smiling Minds Session 4
2. Divide up into your Journal turn-in groups and decide on a scenario for a conflict resolution skit. In your groups explore your topics and come up with a ineffective solution and then an effective way to communicate your conflict scenario topic! Make sure each group has a different conflict scenario. Practice. Have fun!
Welcome to 7th grade Health!

Click on the link below to see what we will be up to this semester. Some projects may change a bit in context, but the topics we address stay the same. It’s going to be an exciting semester!!!!!

Spring 2016 7th Grade Contract

Our two amazing full-time Health teachers here at Shanghai American School both have excellent websites:

Amy Smith: The Health Teacher
Leah Hefte: Teaching Health and Happiness

Also for even more great health information please visit the link below:

Kids Health

Classroom Norms, Expectations and Agreements

We started this semester off with student written Health Class Norms/Agreements/Expectations. Each 6th grade section wrote and agreed on on how they would like to be treated in class creating categories such as: Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, Cooperation and How they might support each other. These are posted on the wall of the classroom, easily visible and easy to refer to if needed.

7th Class Norms
We started this semester off with student written Health Class Norms/Agreements/Expectations. Each 6th, 7th and 8th grade section wrote and agreed on on how they would like to be treated in class creating categories such as: Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, Cooperation and How they might support each other. These are posted on the wall of the classroom, easily visible and easy to refer to if needed.