Advertising a Dream

gobi billboardSMALL2gobi billboardSMALL2

I’ve asked my students to figure out how they would advertise a dream they have; Something they want to accomplish, a passion. Not everyone is comfortable advertising something that might be so intensely personal. If asked to advertise a dream of mine I would freeze in my tracks. No way. Not doing that. If I advertise a dream of mine, then I have to realize that dream, right? That is incredibly scary. So I default to: never mind; it can’t be done; not by me anyway; so forget it. If I ask them to advertise a true dream, something other than a generic, “My dream is to be successful.”, then I have ask and answer myself. A dream of mine is to walk across the Gobi Desert. It’s something I think about a lot so I chose a billboard to advertise my dream. I see lots of billboards everyday. I also don’t always pay attention to billboards now that I think about it…

How would you advertise your dream?

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